> Tuesday
Its pretty mundane today. Was supposed to go out with Nisa but she cancelled it so yeah i stayed at home since nobody asked me out =.=. I watched tv most of the times and did the house chores. Nice one. Tomorrow, schooling! Yes! I likeeee (: So currently, im chatting with nisa while updating my tumblr. I'm bored to death right now. Going to watch some videos so byeeeeeeeeeee.
Labels: Mundaneeee
> Saturday
Have you ever went through a phrase of your life where you felt as though you had everything but somehow along the way, it just feel as though something is missing? The kind of feeling where you no longer feel content with whatever you have. Not that you are thankful with what's granted lah, but more of bugged with th feeling of not knowing the cause for you to feel as such. I for one want to feel happy and carefree as how i did once and i managed to find out the reason why i feel hollow.
But one thing for sure, whatever that make me hapy then can nvr be reverted. Things change, people change. Heck! Nothing in life is certain and permanent, the only time that we are stagnent is when we are dead. I am a creature of habit. It'll take me awhile to adapt to certain changes. And i find it extremely hard to come to terms if the change eventually affects with th way i live. Don't tell me forget what was said or happennd. I am a human being just like you. I can forgive but NOT forget. I'll get over you, slowly but surely. However, the process could be faster if you understand when i told you that as much as i want, you now you will never ever change and that will never bring any good to any of us. So in short ahh. i am bowing out from your life, thank you *curtsies* (:
Labels: tysm
> Thursday
Well, i know i've been m.i.a for so long. EOY mah (: Ergh okay, had Physics paper today. I think i managed. I'm left with 2 papers that is Math Paper 1 and Fnn. Must work harder for that darn fnn subject. Hahah.
Anyway, i enjoyed this week awesome much. Spent time studying with my awesome friends. Heeee, i sukeeeeeee :D Kawan i sume cute'cute (: Haah ~ Basically, i don't know what to write on. I love Nisa sister & Ahyan sister. My both sisters including ain smallgirl. I'm okay with her. Real shit okay. I'm tired of fights. Okay, bye bloggers (:
Labels: best i ever had (: